Commercial salmon fishermen who sell to certain companies in Bristol Bay, Alaska get paid extra if they follow specific quality-enhancing practices.  For example, the “base price” for the fish could be $1 per pound; but if the fishermen follow all the quality procedures they could earn up to an extra 30-35¢ per pound. This can really add up if the fisherman catches 100,000 pounds, or more.

Our job is to certify that the fishermen do indeed follow those quality procedures. Our clients, the fish buyers, spend millions extra for quality and they deserve to get what they pay for.

Maddie pulls a salmon from a brailer.

Diego checks fish temperatures aboard a Bristol Bay tender.

Life on a Bristol Bay salmon tender.

Marie-Louise is a happy Quality Control Tech.

Liana models her new raingear in Naknek.

An Alaska brown bear looks for salmon at Brooks Falls in Katmai National Park.

Marie-Louise (L) and Anya (R) express their artistic side at the Naknek cabin.